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Old 02-24-2017, 10:48 PM   #42
Rayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankindRayven01 has exceeded all limitations known to mankind
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Originally Posted by dow View Post
I was seeing the same thing. I installed 1.19 this morning and registered it just fine, but after reading this thread, I uninstalled it, and installed 1.17 from apprentice alf's FAQ link. Then it won't let me register. I even went on to amazon and deregistered my pc to see if that would help. Initially it did nothing, but I gave it a few minutes, tried again, and it accepted the registration.
I had the same thing happen, but deregistering my PC did not work for me. I got it to work by skipping uninstalling 1.19. Just install 1.17 over the top of 1.19 (after turning off autoupdate, and registering in 1.19). 1.17 then connects without asking to re-register and works fine.
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