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Old 03-22-2024, 02:02 PM   #144
edojan began at the beginning.
Posts: 29
Karma: 10
Join Date: Mar 2022
Device: Kobo Libra 2, Aura H2O
Thanks for keeping Kohighlights alive! I wonder if you could provide some insights into the following issue:

I run Koreader app on several devices - specifically on Kobo Libra 2, my windows desktop (android version running under WSA emulator), and my android phone.

I read / annotate certain books (epubs) on any and all of these devices and then sync the highlights using Kohighlights. It all works fine, except the page numbering is all over the place after the syncing.
It appears that all devices do page counting in their own way (I am guessing this is because of the very nature of the epub format, as well as the screen size and resolution differences).
As the result when I open the bookmark view the annotations are displayed not in order, but in accordance of page numbers in respective source files.

To illustrate, assume I have the same book loaded on all devices. Chapter 3 on Kobo may start on page 300, while on the Desktop the same chapter may show as starting on page 120, and on the phone reader - on page 480. The synced comments inherit those numbers and create confusion on bookmark sorting page for all three readers.
I wonder if there is a fix or workaround I could use? I wish I could make the page numbering follow a specific device - e.g. Kobo for highlight sequence integrity.
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