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Old 10-27-2023, 08:15 PM   #27
reminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterreminon can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameter
Posts: 28
Karma: 12656
Join Date: Aug 2023
Device: Kindle Scribe.
Originally Posted by mergen3107 View Post
Do you guys know how to skip first time sign-in on Kindle Scribe? I am afraid it will force update as soon as the user signs-in making this JB impossible.
I don't believe you can. At least I wasn't able to. I just placed it into airplane mode as soon as I got past the sign-in. I am fully jailbroken on my scribe on 5.16.2 with kual and koreader.

Last edited by reminon; 10-27-2023 at 08:18 PM.
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